give and take

Life feels very new right now. Much of my daily schedule is the same as it's been for some time, but what makes it all feel new is the fact that I have been married to my husband Chris for about 110 days now. Each day feels like an incredible blessing, and I'm enjoying the newness of our merged lives into one life.

I have recently been feeling under the weather with some sort of "winter has have a stomach bug" thing. Chris has been making me dinner, letting me sleep all over the apartment (at all hours of the day), and taking good care of me. I feel so loved and safe and secure. But I also feel guilty for not pulling my weight at home, for allowing him to shower me with attention while I sleep and grumble about my belly hurting. I might be sick, but, I think to myself, I shouldn't cause more work for him.

I am humbled by Chris's kindness and willingness to serve me. And I am reminded that this is part of marriage. I am thankful for his selflessness. I'm sure there will be a day when he is sick or tired or stressed about work. I just hope I can step in and care for him as well as he has cared for me. I love this part of marriage. I enjoy giving and receiving love. I think that might be what it's all about.


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